SWIM has experience with this reaction, oxidising pseudoephedrine to a ketone, ephedrone (NOT reducing to methamphetamine, and this was NOT done, I don't make excuses, I genuinely, unlike my standard personality, did not do this, neither, for that matter, did SWIM)
COLD, dilute solution, added to the alcohol in question, after both being chilled, the alcohol to just about 1 degree C, likewise with the very dilute KMnO4, and left in the cold, oxidised the alcohol to a ketone, any more concentrated, or even room temperature for a minute or two, and you end up with the pseudoephedrine oxidised to benzaldehyde.
Acidified dichromate is better to yield ketones, reflux with NaMnO4 or KMnO4 is far better for producing aldehydes.