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I used GOOGLE on the word "catalyst" and got plenty of links.
One of the links near the top was from a WIKI
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CatalysisLooking at the WIKI link and thinking I get the following ideas
Most all chemical reactions have energy involved.
If the reaction uses energy rather than gives off energy a catalyst may be helpful in promoting the reaction.
Sometimes reactions are more favored when you change the temperature and / or pressure.
On a side note -
Far be it for me to suggest you not try this at home, since I would be tempted as a citizen scientist.
But, the process you are looking at here does require a lot of know how and potentially a good lab environment.
Second side note - If I were to take on this project, I would do it for the experience. It is not likely to be an economically productive project. I would have to put in more energy into the system than I got out.