First of all, to get it out of the way: I'm not a chemist.

Background (For the curious): I'm a Mudman on an oil drilling rig. Right now, I'm in the middle of a project that involves drilling a few dozen horizontal wells through a formation that contains heavy, thick, hard-to-produce oil contained in relatively unconsolidated sands. In order to minimize damage to formation porosity, I'm using a purely-polymer based drilling fluid(think Xanthan gum). Once the wells are drilled, I'm displacing the wellbores with a "breaker fluid" of 3% KCl (by weight, to prevent clay layers from swelling and collapsing) and 4 pounds per barrel (4 lbs / 42 gallons) of Lithium Hypochlorite. This is to destroy the polymers and minimize plugging of pores in the sand.
My question is this: What is the equivalent "strength" of this 4 lb/bbl (4 pounds per 42 gallons) Lithium Hypochlorite solution when compared to regular household bleach? I've been giving safety briefs before pumping this stuff for a while now, and this is a question that has come up quite a few times, and I would really like to know the answer. Thanks!