Right i have a question, i've got no chemistry education and i am some what out of my depth.
Basically i am trying to detirmine the presence of sulphur dioxides in the smoke produced by burning a chemical which has a sulphur molecule in it.
My first question is, does the presence of a sulphur molecule in structure guarantee the release of sulphur dioxide when burnt/vaporised. I've put the skeletal structure below
Secondly i want to test for sulphur dioxide by bubbling the vapour through an acidified potassium dichromate solution and watch for the reduction if chromium from VI to III and thus turning green. However i'm having trouble finding the correct way of preparing the acidified solution. It has to be made with HCL correct ? but to what PH or does it just need to be below neutral ?
I know these are pretty simple questions for someone who is using chemicals like potassium dichromate which is pretty dangerous but i have experience in handling dangerous chemicals and all the necessary safety equipment, gloves, respirator, goggles etc.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.