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Topic: How to import CDF file to Excel and display graphics as WMF  (Read 4760 times)

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Offline mag2013

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I want to import a *.CDF data file (for example a hplc- or gc-chromatogram generated by EZChrom Elite or Shimadzu's Class-VP) to Excel. Excel should display the CDF data as WMF graphics (including integration limits and peak Labels).

How does it work? Does anyone have experience with this topic?
Does anyone know a VB- or VBA-code for this problem?

Thank you for your suggestions and ideas.


Offline Arkcon

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Re: How to import CDF file to Excel and display graphics as WMF
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2013, 07:56:58 AM »

I want to import a *.CDF data file (for example a hplc- or gc-chromatogram generated by EZChrom Elite or Shimadzu's Class-VP) to Excel.

This part should be pretty trivial.  If the equipments software exports a comma-delimited ASCII file, then importing it into an spreadsheet program should work fine.  Such an array of values can be easily graphed by a typical spreadsheet.

Excel should display the CDF data as WMF graphics (including integration limits and peak Labels).

I don't believe that information is stored in CDF exported by chromatographic software.  So you want the spreadsheet to do what the software itself does.  That's not trivial.

How does it work? Does anyone have experience with this topic?
Does anyone know a VB- or VBA-code for this problem?

Thank you for your suggestions and ideas.


I think if you read a number of textbooks on chromatography, you might learn the techniques involved in coding such a thing.  Can't see how something hacked together would be an improvement on the validated code that comes with the instrument.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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