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Topic: Gas Laws  (Read 4821 times)

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Gas Laws
« on: May 08, 2013, 06:32:38 PM »
1. If a flask has volume of 300ml and an initial pressure of 1atm, what would be the pressure inside the flask if 100ml of water was added to the flask(reducing the gas's volume)?Please tell me how to solve it
2.if 45.0 liters of oxygen is measured at 24.0 degrees C. What would be its volume at standard temperature?Please tell me how to solve it
3.Thirty-four ml of nitrogen gas is measure at 21 degrees C and .953atm pressure. Calculate the Volume at STP.Please tell me how to solve it
4.A sample of gas occupies 54.0ml at 24.0 degrees C. What is the volume of the gas at 80.0 degrees C? I got 64.18mL
5.A sample of oxygen occupies 15.0ml under a pressure of .928atm at 25 degrees C. What would be its volume at another time when the pressure was .948atm and the temperature 19 degrees C? I got 14.3 mL
6.A gas collected at a temperature of O degrees C has a volume of 380ml. At what temperature will the gas have a volume of 500ml?I got 359.2 K
7.A scientist has a sample of gas that was collected several days earlier.The sample has a volume of 392 cm^3 at a pressure of 0.987atm and a temperature of 21 degrees C. On the day the gas was collected, the temperature was 13 degrees C and the pressure was 0.992atm. What Volume did the gas have on the day it was collected? Please tell me how to solve
8.A student collects of HCL(g) hydrogen chloride gas at a pressure of 100.kPa and a temperature of 17 degrees C. What is the volume of the HCL at 0 degrees C and 101.3kPa? I got418.1mL
9. 2.2L of hydrogen at 6.5atm pressure is used to fill a balloon at a final pressure of 1.15atm. What is its final volume? I got 12.4L
10.A chemist collects 59.0mL of sulfur dioxide gas on a day when the atmospheric pressure is 0.989atm. On the next day, the pressure has changed to 0.967atm.What will the volume of the SO2 gas be on the second day? I got 60.3L
11.A student collects 425mL of Oxygen at a temperature of 24 degrees C. and a pressure of 0.899atm. How many moles of oxygen did the student collect? I got 0.0157 mol

Thank You and Sorry!

Offline iamback

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Re: Gas Laws
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 10:51:11 PM »
What are we to do in this ?

Do we need to check it all through ?

Do you think that we actually solve homework here ?

Try to do questions on your own, and only if you have doubt in your answer, or not able to solve any question then you can put your doubts here, and we would offer some help..!

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Re: Gas Laws
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2013, 03:00:41 AM »
The ones I have checked (but I didn't check them all), were either OK or close enough (like 359.4 vs 359.2).

Please read the forum rules.
Chembuddy chemical calculators - stoichiometry, pH, concentration, buffer preparation,

Offline Selena

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Help on Gas Laws
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2013, 05:19:57 PM »
1.If a flask has volume of 300ml and an initial pressure of 1atm, what would be the pressure inside the flask if 100ml of water was added to the flask(reducing the gas's volume)?Please tell me how to solve it
2.if 45.0 liters of oxygen is measured at 24.0 degrees C. What would be its volume at standard temperature?Please tell me how to solve it
3.Thirty-four ml of nitrogen gas is measure at 21 degrees C and .953atm pressure. Calculate the Volume at STP.Please tell me how to solve it
4.A scientist has a sample of gas that was collected several days earlier.The sample has a volume of 392 cm^3 at a pressure of 0.987atm and a temperature of 21 degrees C. On the day the gas was collected, the temperature was 13 degrees C and the pressure was 0.992atm. What Volume did the gas have on the day it was collected? Please tell me how to solve

Offline Arkcon

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Re: Gas Laws
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2013, 06:31:07 PM »
Selena:  I hope you don't mind me merging your two threads.  Why don't we start with one that you have an answer for, show us how you got it, then show us one of the ones you can't do, and we'll see what help you need to solve that one.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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