I need some diethyl ether for an extraction. I don't feel like messing around with the synthesis without a blast shield and distilling from starter fluid isn't too safe either. HA.
So, despite how impractical it may be, I've decided to do an extraction from starter fluid with water. My plan is to use a glass carboy because the bottle neck top should make it easier to collect the 50 ml of ether ill get per 5 liters of water. Don't even tell me how tedious and stupid it sounds I know, heh. I'm using a starting fluid that is advertised right on the front of the bottle as "50% ether", so at least i have that going for me. To extract the ether from the other fraction, containing mostly heptane and pentane Im just going to use a sep.
Once i have ether water to the brim in the carboy, im going to load in a bunch of salt, stir, and put it in the freezer to separate, which im guessing will probably take several hours
What can i do to optimize this process?
-i.e. use sodium bicarb as the salt instead of NaCl or possibly a mix?
Before I waste my time, will this even work?
Lastly, I realize how unstable ether is. My question is, how long until it forms peroxides? I plan on using it immediately after extraction and evaporating it away but there's the time in the freezer and the time the entire process is going to take to consider. Also, hypothetically, I hear Potassium Hydroxide can be added to ether to stop peroxide formation. 1) Is this true? if yes, how much do you add??
Thanks. I appreciate any response.