I used semiemperical calculations (PM3) to find the local minima of the conformations shown in the image attached. Experimental results (though the article was from 1979), concluded that 1,2-dimethoxy benzene had antiplanar conformation, and the mehoxy substituents pointed in opposite directions. The conformer search with Molcular mechanics ave the same results.
But when my friend used DFT calculations (with a really good basis set, B3LYP/extended SV Dunning-hay), the planar conformation showed up to be the stable one.
Seen from a chemical point of view, with all our paradigms, I cant see why the planar conformation would be the correct one. With the planar conformation, there must be som kind of conjugation with the aromatic ring, in both of the substituents. This doesnt make sense, since there would be a large negative charge on each carbon next to oxygen. (methoxy group is ortho-para directing).
Does anyone shear my pont of view, or should I thrust the DFT calculations?