Some people argue SO2 is common in the air and protection is not really necessary (although contrary to what i learn from its MSDS).
even in the air, elevated
traces of this might become a problem to people with respiratory predispositions : something being common doesn't mean it's harmless
dosis facet venenum (Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim , aka "Paracelsus" )
you're dealing with a material that upon maltreatment will release
huge amounts of this gas.
for starters:

don't use acid with this
if you have to use acid anyway (for whatsoever reason): wear protective gear, use a ventilation !
this stuff is toxic at higher levels ! (LD
50 3000 ppm , mouse, inhal. , 30 min)
with respect to H
2S : sulfur chemistry sometimes is full of surprises, yes, but nevertheless I don't see how relevant amounts of H
2S should be formed from your setup