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Topic: Hooke's law and some algebra  (Read 3091 times)

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Hooke's law and some algebra
« on: September 26, 2013, 12:52:47 PM »
I got a question at school which I can't solve for the life of me.

"A one-dimensional linear chain of N links, where each link may be folded to the left or right and of length l may be taken as a simple model of a rubber band. The length, L, of the rubber band is L = (Nl - Nr)l and of course N = Nl + Nr. For convenience we say that Nr =< Nl. The weight is then W = N!/(Nr!Nl!).
a) Write the entropy of such a system.
b) Obtain the tending force, F (quivalent of pressure), and show that it obeys Hooke's law for small extensions, L << Nl. (Note that it says N*l and not Nl)

F = -T(dS/dL)|N"

For a) I just did S = k ln[W], where W is the weight.
For b) I've tried various things to see if it gets me anywhere, such as substituting N! (from the weight), deriving and using Stirling approx. But,.. yeah.. I simply don't know!

Any help (in any form or shape) would be much appreciated!

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Re: Hooke's law and some algebra
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 09:09:35 AM »
I'd try a slightly different way:

with tension F, the energy of each link is E=2*F*I higher in the folded position than extended position.
The statistics is 1/[1+exp(+E/kT)] for each link to have the higher energy.
For N big, L is just N times the mean value of extended minus folded contributions.

Well, probably not what the professor expected.

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Re: Hooke's law and some algebra
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 11:51:35 AM »
Try doing a Taylor expansion of F around zero.

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