Alright so basically I made a battery using copper, copper nitrate and zinc, zinc nitrate. After doing this and measuring the voltages I was asked to replace one of the electrodes with carbon and vice versa. After that I replaced both electrodes with carbon, I got voltages for all of them and am wondering whether it was just noise or actual electrical potential? Second I am wondering exactly how this would work, how does replacing a solid metal electrode with carbon keep my electrochemical cell working? I understand that carbon and platinum are inert under most conditions but am still a little fuzzy on the whole thing, when it comes to them being electrodes? Finally what would the half reactions look like, I cannot for the life of me figure this out, how do I make a half reaction for a redox reaction if one of the solid electrodes is inert? I am new to the forum so any help would be fantastic, I hope I am posting this in the right section.