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Topic: Area under the Maxwell Boltzman Distribution Curve  (Read 2205 times)

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Offline shparcowpw

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Area under the Maxwell Boltzman Distribution Curve
« on: October 20, 2013, 03:04:45 AM »
By the curve, the y axis is the number of particles and the x axis is K.E.

By integrating the graph with respect to x-axis, we should get the area under the graph, a value with the unit of K.E. which is J or kJ. However, by wikipedia, the area under the graph is the total no. of particles. That's why even if the temperature rises, the area under the curve doesn't change. Apparently the unit of "total no. of particles" shouldn't be J or kJ.

Why's that so?? ??? ??? Thank you :)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 03:59:14 AM by shparcowpw »

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