March 06, 2025, 09:16:35 PM
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Topic: what is an easy what of determing dot structures for 3rd period elements or atom  (Read 1988 times)

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Offline Jekel0000

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Look without seeing any Merck or Encyclopedia of Phys and Chem text.
How would you determine what the Lewis Dot Structure of a 3rd period compound such as

Since most 3rd period atoms have a 3rd orbital
and 3rd orbitals can hold up to 18 electrons
3s^2 4d^10 3p^6

Offline Jekel0000

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since Chloride has 7 valence electrons that only allows room for one free electron to complete the octet rule for dot structures. Therefore one single bond between the central least affinitive atom Sulfur. Count the number of valence electrons in the compound SCl2.
7 for each Cl
6 for sulfur
14 + 6 = 20

Now that I notice that the Chloride Atoms have a formal charge of 2- on the compound....
Thank you so much DR JEKEL

Offline MJF

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I don't know if everyone teaches this but my professor recommended that we keep a tally of electrons when drawing the Lewis structure. For SCl2, I know S is the central and the two Chlorine atoms are peripheral atoms. I know S has 6 electrons and the Chlorines combined are 14 which is 20 electrons in total. Place a couple of single bonds in the structure and subtract 4 electrons from 20 = 16. Add 6 electrons to each Chlorine atom to satisfy the octet rule. Combined that is 12. So subtract 12 from 16 = 4 remaining electrons. These electrons will serve as lone pair electrons for S so place 4 dots around S.

I hope that helps.


Offline Jekel0000

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I think you misunderstood what I was saying you see, atoms of 3rd period or higher have more that 8 valence electrons because of the sd hybridized orbital...

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