March 06, 2025, 09:20:30 PM
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Topic: Cannot Taste- Propylene Glycol Layer on Tongue due to Vaping/Ecigarette Smoking?  (Read 3542 times)

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Hi.  I'm so glad I found this forum.  I cannot taste properly for the past 2 months.  I've read somewhere that it may be due to propylene glycol deposits on my tongue.  However, I don't know if that is true.  Firstly, what do you think is the problem?  Secondly, if it is propylene glycol deposits, how do I get rid of it?  I've tried rubbing a lemon on my tongue and top palate, I've tried gargling with mouthwash, coconut oil, honey and water, etc.  A doctor advised that it may be caused by post-nasal drip.  I've used a nasal spray but there seems to be no improvement.  Your advice would be really appreciated.

PS.  Ingredients in the ecigarette liquids are vegetable glycerin (70%), propylene glycol, nicotine and flavourings (30%)

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PG will not get stuck on your tongue, the issue you have is unlikely to be a layer of PG coating your tongue. More likely the culprit is dehydration. The phenomenon is quite common amongst vapers and referred to as "vaper's tongue" by the community.

You should get plenty of suggestions on a vaping forum - usually to drink more water and switch to a menthol flavour for a few days.
My research: Google Scholar and Researchgate


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Thanks for your response.  I have experienced vaper's tongue before and it is a very similar thing I am currently experiencing.  However I don't believe that this is vaper's tongue for a few reasons.  Vaper's tongue is caused by vaping the same flavour often, which I don't do.  Vaper's tongue is cured by smelling coffee, keeping hydrated (drinking plenty of water throughout the day) and vaping menthol juices.  I have tried all these without success.  What else could it be?

Offline wildfyr

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You could stop vaping and see if your taste returns.

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