December 22, 2024, 01:12:48 AM
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Topic: How does activated charcoal/carbon work and how can one determine absorbants?  (Read 2411 times)

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Offline Zensation

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It is known activated charcoal is used in air filters, but what exactly can be absorbed? Wiki says things like strong acids and bases can't be absorbed... but what about things like Toluene, Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol, Dichloromethane, and these sorts of things? How exactly does the activated charcoal chemically react with other compounds?

Offline Arkcon

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Briefly, the chemicals you list won't be appreciably absorbed by carbon.  Things with multiple aromatic groups are absorbed, the aromatic rings of the absorbed compound are loosely attracted to the pi bonds of the carbon rings.  And there's so much surface area in activated carbon, that adds up to significant absorption.  Try to study the wiki article on the subject a bit more, and see if it all comes together for you.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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