Eight tubes were incubated for 5 minutes at different temperatures. The assay was initiated by addition to each tube 2ml samples of the enzyme. After 5 minutes, a 1 ml sample was withdrawn from each of the incubation mixtures and mixed with 5 ml of borate buffer (ph9). The absorption of the samples were then measured at 410 nm. The absorption values were converted into nanomoles PNP produced per ml of reaction mixture using the conversion factor. The results:
Temp 0C enzyme activity (nanomoles PNP /ml reaction mixture)
20 26.0
25 34.0
30 44.5
and so on.
Given that each incubation mixture had a total volume of 10 ml ( 1 ml PNGP +6.9 ml buffer +0.1 ml cystiene + 2 ml enzyme) and that the incubation time was 5 minutes ( time between adding the enxyme and removing the sample), convert the reults above into ' Initial reaction velovities' expressed as nanomoles PNP produced per minute.
My method: 10 ml X 26.0= 260 therfore 260/5minutes = 52 nanomoles/minute
Is this right? and is there a dilution factor involved?
Also when wanting to plot a graph of initial reaction velocity against incubation temperature, does the temp need to be converted to kelvin?
Thanks for the consideration.