The topic for our class is the Characterization of Nucleic Acids. What would the equation of the reactions of the Murexide test be with guanine and adenine? Everything I find starts off with uric acid, and I'm not happy to admit this, but I don't understand it at all because I find Chemistry extremely difficult.
Also, what would the equation of the reaction of phosphoric acid be with the test for phosphate?
Murexide Test, according to my school's lab manual:
+ 10 drops/1 microspatula of test compound
+ 5 drops concentrated HNO3
evaporate to dryness over water bath
moisten residue with 10% KOH
warm over water bath
+ 10 drops warm water
Test for Phosphate, according to my school's lab manual:
+20 drops of test compound
+ 5 mL hot distilled water
+ 10 drops concentrated HNO3
+ 20 drops 2.5% ammonium molybdate solution
warm in water bath and let stand for 10 minutes
Thank you very very much for reading this! Idk why the word "h e l p" turns into "*delete me*", but thank you for that too.
Also, if I posted in the wrong forum, I'm sorry. As I said, I am a horrible Chemistry student.
I'm taking steps to fix it though and I really want to learn.