December 22, 2024, 02:55:04 PM
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Topic: Trouble calculating Km and Vmax when given TWO initial velocity columns! :(:(  (Read 2326 times)

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Offline theanonymous

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This is what i did...

I don't know if that's right because I don't know which initial velocities to use!
Do i take the average of both columns and THEN graph it?

Offline Babcock_Hall

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Is there any more verbiage that goes with this problem?  The fact that there are two series of data is compatible with many explanations.  For example, they might be two alternative substrates for the same enzyme.  They might be for the same substrate but under two conditions, such as the presence or absence of an inhibitor.  I would not average the two sets; I would treat them as two separate problems.

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