Thanks discodermolide.
I actually do a solvent switch to ethyl acetate (EA), but perhaps I'm doing it incorrectly. Let me elaborate. The reaction occurs in THF. Then I filter out the TEA-HCl salt. Next, evaporate off the THF to get a sticky gooey mess, probably because of what you described. Then I redissolve the mess in EA, wash with 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M K2CO3 to remove residual TEA, acrylic acid and HCl. Finally, evaporate off EA to again get a sticky mess.
I don't see why I couldn't replace THF in the reaction step, but the new solvent needs to dissolve resveratrol. Ethyl acetate doesn't work. I'll try dissolving resveratrol in acetone later today. Any other solvent that you could suggest?
Just out of curiosity, do you know the reason why THF likes to hold onto HCl, while acetone and toluene don't?