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Topic: Sample prep. 4-chloroaniline for hplc analysis  (Read 2209 times)

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Offline alif06

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Sample prep. 4-chloroaniline for hplc analysis
« on: March 25, 2014, 12:08:17 AM »
hi guys, first time posting.

I need some guidance to prep. a std sol. and working std for 4-chloroaniline which have a range of 1ppm, 10ppm, 50ppm and 100ppm. The instrument ill be using is HPLC-UV with C18 column, and ill be using acetonitrile and water as the mobile phase.

here are 4-chloroaniline details.
Chemical Formula: C6H6ClN (solid)
Formula Weight: F.W. 127.57
500g glass bottle

thanks in advance.

Offline Arkcon

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Re: Sample prep. 4-chloroaniline for hplc analysis
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 07:05:02 AM »
OK, so what's the question.  You've given us some information, but not all of it is pertinent.  Can you show us how you would begin?  How would you make a 100 ppm solution?  Do you know the definition?  What techniques do you know for making these dilutions?  I mean, glassware techniques.

This forum has rules, we like to see a bit more work from High School and undergraduate students, we don't just dump complete answers.  We even hold our Citizen Chemists to a high standard, we like them to provide us with questions that contain a complete thought, and we want them tobe open to discussions of chemical concepts.  We don't respond well to "gimmie gimmie" questions.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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