Thank you for the quick replies.

I couldn't find anything on talking about the affect of pressure on physical properties, and I'm sorry for miss posting.
To Corribus:
Thank you for your reply it sheds some light on a question that I've had since early June. I know this is a rather unorthodox question, and I'm happy to have an answer. I can't wait to read these studies.
To shed a little light on the nature of my research, This last school year, I had to do a power point on Silicon for my Chemistry final, and that got me interested in the possibility of Silicon based life. I know it's not likely and that Carbon does a much better job, but my thought was that if the conditions were just right, that it would be possible. So I started a quest to find out just what those conditions are if they were even there.
Thank you again for your support. Everything helps a lot.