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Topic: Rate constant of reaction of XTT with superoxide  (Read 2515 times)

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Offline kriggy

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Rate constant of reaction of XTT with superoxide
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:02:47 AM »
Hi guys,
does anyone know what is the rate constant of reaction of XTT with superoxide? Or have any articles on it?
I have found only one:
Sutherland, M. W. and B. A. Learmonth (1997). "The Tetrazolium Dyes MTS and XTT Provide New Quantitative Assays for Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutase." Free Radical Research 27(3): 283-289.
But I cant acces it and Im not sure about the number in abstract just because it says that the value of rate constants were estimated.
ps: im not sure if it should be in analytics or here so move this if necessary

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