Consider a spill of methyl ethyl ketone.
1. Write a balanced reaction for methyl ethyl ketone degradation using oxygen as TEA.
2. Assuming dissolved oxygen concentration of 8mg/L, how much MEK can be degraded using oxygen
as the TEA?
3. Write a balanced half reaction for methyl ethyl ketone degradation to CO2.
4. Write the overall balanced reaction for methyl ethyl ketone degradation using iron as TEA (assume the
iron half reaction is as follows: e- + Fe3+ = Fe2+).
5. You decided to run a bioavailable iron test to determine if MEK degradation can be supported at the
site using ferric iron as a TEA. You find there is 13.2 +/- 12.9 g ferric iron/kg sediment (dry). What
range of methyl ethyl ketone degradation (mg MEK/L) can this amount of bioavailable iron support?
Assume a bulk density of 1.6g/cm3