Good day
I'm looking for someone to check my answer to the following question:
For each of the following molecules/ions
(a) Draw a Lewis structure, remembering to include all of the lone pairs
(b) State the number of valence electrons for each of the atoms
(c) Predict the shape using VSEPR rules. Your answer should include both the location of the electron pairs and the arrangement of the atoms.
Sb = 5 valence e-
O = 6 valence e-
Cl = 7 valence e- x 2
Therefore 26 valence e-
I'm not going to waste time trying to draw the molecule so I shall just state the geometry as trigonal pryramidal, with a lone pair on the Sb.
Formal charge =
Sb = 5 valence e- - 2 non-bonding e- - 6 bonding e-/2 = 0
O = 6 valence e- - 6 non-bonding e- - 2 bonding e-/2 = -1
Cl = 7 valence e- - 6 non-bonding e- - 2 bonding e-/2 = 0
I don't usually have a problem with this sort of thing, but I found this one rather tricky and thought it better to be safe than sorry.
Thanks in advance