For the populations it looks like you're doing a good job. Aside from the trends you correctly describe, here are a few other things to notice that might help you understand the meaning of Q.
At low temperature (as T

0), Q

6. And as T

∞, Q

12. Notice that the ground state has a degeneracy of 6, and the total number of states is 12. The partition function is basically a description of how the available particles are partitioned among all the available states, weighted statistically by the temperature. At low temperatures, only the lowest energy states are available, and because of degeneracy, there are 6 of them. Q = 6. At the highest temperatures, the energies between the states become inconsequential (compared to background energy), and all states become effectively equally populated. Another way of looking at this is that the difference in energy between all the available states becomes so small compared to the amount of energy in the system, that they are all effectively degenerate. Since there are a total of 12 states available in the system, the effective degeneracy is 12, which is also the Q value. In a way, the Q value is a representation of the average number of states populated at a given temperature. This is why we determine the probability of populating a certain state as the ratio with Q in the denominator.
IMPORTANT: Many students make the mistake of assuming that at high temperature, only the upper states wills be populated, but this is not the case. At high temperature, all states in the system have equal likelihood of being populated.
You'll also notice that at high temperature, PA = 0.5, PB = 0.333 and PB = 0.167. These are values of 1/2, 1/3, and 1/6, respectively. If at high temperature all the available states have an equal likelihood of population, then the probability of an energy level being populated should be equal to the number of states in that energy level (the degeneracy) divided by the total number of microstates available in the system. States A, B, and C have 6, 4, and 2-fold degeneracy, respectively, given a total of 12 microstates available. So the probability of A, B, and C being populated when there is no "bias" do to the energy (i.e., at high temperature) are easily determined to be 6/12, 4/12, and 2/12... 0.5, 0.333, and 0.167!
For the internal energy, looks like you're still doing something wrong with the calculation, so let's work through it step by step.
[tex]U = - \frac {N}{Q} \frac {dQ}{d\beta}[/tex]
[tex]Q = 6 + 4e^{-4\beta} + 2e^{-6\beta}[/tex]
And N = 1 mole, then
[tex]U = \frac {16 e^{-4\beta} + 12 e^{-6\beta}}{6 + 4e^{-4\beta} + 2e^{-6\beta}}[/tex]
Is this what you got?