I have a client that has taken to urine test that his urine was heavily diluted (creatinine levels). The test came back positive for benzoylecgonine which I am told is a metabolite of cocaine. The client told me no way have I ever used cocaine. I waited several weeks, about 12 and had him take another test which again came back with diluted urine and benzoylecgonine. After speaking with him he told me both times prior to the test he had been to the emergency room for sinus issues and the emergency room numbed his nose and they must have used cocaine to do this. My question is, do emergency rooms use what he is calling liquid cocaine to numb the inside of your nose to do nose scopes? The 1st test was done 5 days after the emergency room visit and the 2nd test was done 2 days after the emergency room visit. Both of the drug test were scheduled and I find it unusual that he went to the emergency room prior to both visits. I spoke to an MDO and they told me if he had been to the emergency room for nasal issues then the client could be telling the truth. Sounds sketchy to me. Any thoughts?