I am embarking on a web search to find information on this topic. If anyone knows something about this please sound off. I just do not want to reinvent the wheel so to speak if someone has information off the top of their head. I can do my own searching if no one pipes up.
I will give you an example of what I am looking for that is not real but to give you the gist.
Corn oil is put in a low energy process that polymerizes it to blahblah oil, which is not very flammable. The blahblah oil will break down to ethanol when in contact with platinum at 20C. The ethanol then is burned in a special diesel engine, which drive a prop on an aircraft. Should the aircraft crash very little ethanol is present at any one time and the blahblah oil does not ignite during crashes.
Answer only if you have some information or ideas you wish to share. Otherwise I do not want to take up your time in helping others.
By the way, I am not thinking this is a new idea I can invent. I am sure if it has been patented already several times over. I am thinking that it just cannot compete price wise with the current fuel environment.