I'm doing some validation work on Atomic Absorption, but little bit confused about the calculation formula of using external standards..
I wonder if you can support me?
Our work is basically the following:
1- Dissolving powder (contains both metallic & organic compounds) sample (500 mg) in Acid/organic solvent approx. 75ml acid & 25ml organic solvent
2- separate the aqueous layer in 100mL flask
3- run the samples in the FAA. .
he formula I have is:
A) Content of metal in the sample = [conc FAA reading (ppm) x V.Flask (mL) ] / sample weight (g)
this formula is not working correctly with me, but I have also seen another formula in some books with slight difference & it works perfectly..
B) Content of metal in the sample = [conc FAA reading (ppm) x V.Flask (mL) ] / sample weight (g) x 100
MY QUESTION: if the second formula is the right one, from where (100) in the formula ?