Dont know, probably in very (very) low yield (Like
this very cool last step). The thing is I had syntheisis with 2 chlorines in ortho and meta position but for already forgotten reasons I thought it might be a good idea (its not) to try it this way. I realized it in the end but was too lazy to do it again. It could be worth trying (you know, maybe it will work and become known as Kriggy´s epoxidation
YOu could probably do oxidation by tempo, NaClO, KBr and NaHCO3 to get 2nd aldehyde from the 1st molecule and then sunbstitue OH for Cl and do the addition of Lithium compound in very stochiometric way to get only one carbonyl react. Then its same from the step with MnO2, cyclization, grignard addition and then epoxidation by elimination of HCl by NaOH. It could however eliminate the Bz group