Hello everybody,
I have no chemical university-background, so my question is more something as "where should I look for..." question.
I need to give an estimation (within a factor 2 to 5) of a kinetic rate for the following reactions:
1) N2O(v1,v2,v3) + M -> N2 + O + M (where M is generic)
2) N2O(v1,v2,v3) + O -> N2 + O2
In this case the thermal reaction rate should be enhanced by the vibronic excitation state of the molecule.
I know there is the Polanyi rule for bi-atomic molecules, is there a similar rule for triatomic?
I believe also there are software that could be used for the purpose, without getting into to much quantum-chemical calculations, maybe?
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated, thank you very much!