Grade 11 chemistry is probably quite general chemistry so it should not be difficult to find information on each topic as it is covered. Do you have a text book? Usually the general chemistry text books that go with the course are a good resource. If this, along with the teachers notes are not sufficient then I would suggest searching the internet for information on each topic as you are covering it. For example if you are about to cover organic nomenclature I would search for infomation under this topic and read the ones that are at your level. You can then ask questions when you get stumped, at this forum.
Another idea is too check the educational frameworks for your country/state/city. Usually a country will have a standard for years 11 and 12 subjects that outlines exactly all of the topics that need to be covered (even if not in great detail it will give you an idea of what you are supposed to know by the time you finish).
Good luck.