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Topic: Thiosulfate-Vitamin C titration problem  (Read 1640 times)

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Offline orangesturningblue

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Thiosulfate-Vitamin C titration problem
« on: January 29, 2015, 03:57:57 AM »
So, as the title says i'm a bit stumped about determining the ascorbic acid content of orange juice by titrating it against Na2S2O3.

The first reaction I produce is:

IO3- + 8I- + 6H+ ---> 3I3- + 3H2O

Basically, I produce a known amount of I3-. I dump some orange juice in this mixture so that

C6H8O6 + I3- ---> C6H6O6 + 3I- + 2H+

Get it? I have an excess I3- and some of it reacts with an unknown amount of C6H8O6. In order to determine how much I3- actually reacted with C6H8O6 I titrate it:

2S2O32- + I3- ---> 3I- + S4O62-

I know the concentration of S2O32-. However, I don't know 'when' the reaction ends. I tried this with a vitamin c tablet and the titration goes from (red brown--->yellowish) then I add some starch, which turns it dark blue and then I continue titrating it till it goes colourless.

However, now that I'm using orange juice, the colour changes differently. It went from (red-brown--->yellow greenish) then I added starch and it turned dark bluish and after I continue titrating it, it turns to a cloudy light bluish greenish colour.

In summary, I don't know the colour indications when I titrate S2O32- to a mixture of orange juice and I3-. If you got an answer, it will be nice if you can source it as well :) Thanks.

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Re: Thiosulfate-Vitamin C titration problem
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 06:05:08 AM »
I think its a matter of sample volume. Orange juice contain colour yellow what disturbs the other colour from iodine and starch. What is your sample amount? I would use only 1 ml or so in high dilution with water in the titration flask. I think its need some expierence and testing. Also molarity of Thiosulfat can be adjusted.

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