In the following flowchart, I have a couple of concerns.
Here is some context to the flowchart - I used a weak base NaHCO3 in order to deprotonate the 1-napthoic acid and turn it into sodium 1-napthoate. I made the assumption that Potassium Bromide and Sand are used as insoluble impurities. In addition, it was also noted that the use of a separatory funnel is excluded from this extraction problem. Therefore, gravity filtration was used in its place, and the active extraction step was simply addition of base to an organic starting material in order to make an aqueous salt.
To regenerate the 1-napthoic acid, hydrochloride was used and then a vacuum filtration was performed to get the product in its solid form.
My question is this: Based on the flowchart, will the presence of Potassium Bromide affect the process that I have outlined? To my knowledge, Potassium Bromide dissolves in water, but will it have any notable side reactions with 1-napthoic acid that will change my entire flowchart?
Thank you so much to anyone that can be of assistance.