The Vant Hoff equation should be used for this problem given that ?H is known & const. The answer could be wrong perhaps because we're required to find ?H
600K i.e. it does change with temp ( using Kirchoff's equation if Cp's are given ) and then compute K
p. I'm not really sure .. it depends on what is given, and there seems to be none!
The derivation of the equation is straight forward.
dG = dH - TdS ( Def of Gibb's free energy at const T ) ... (1)
dH = dU + d(PV) = dU + PdV + VdP
dH = dQ - dW
in + PdV + VdP = dQ - PdV + PdV + VdP = dQ + VdP
dG = dQ + VdP - TdS = dQ + VdP - dQ = VdP
dG = (nRT)(dP/P)
Integrate both sides, P changes from P
o to P, G from G
o to G
G= G
o + nRT LnP ( P
o = 1 atm )
?G = ?G
o + RTLnQ
p ?G
o = -RTLnK
p ... (2)
o = ?H
o - T
o ... (1)
Equate (1) = (2)
For a rxn at T
1 : ?H
1 - T
1 = - RT
1 LnK
p1Same rxn at T
2 : ?H
2 - T
2 = - RT
2 LnK
p2If we assume dS and dH are independent of temp, i.e.
2 = ?H
1 = ?S
2Divide both equations by RT, then subtract them :
ln (K
p2 / K
p1 ) = (?H/R) (1/T2 - 1/T1)
It looks like the Classius Clapeyron equat and the kinetics analog mixed together
Yes, it's similar to the Classius Clapeyron equation.