OK so I used n=0 for the J'' value (initial) and n=2 for the J' value (final)
This is either wrong or, if right, confusing. n is the
vibrational quantum number; J is the
rotational quantum number. You can't substitute one value for the other. If you mean you used n = 0 for the initial state, the state for which the J value is denoted J'', then say that.
Please specify, for my sake if nothing else, which electronic state (A or X) is the initial and which the final state, what is the value of n in each state, and the value of J in each state.
Assuming X is the initial state, with n = 0, and A (n=2) is the final state, I calculate a band origin of 14522.13 cm
-1 and I agree with your value for P(4) (J = 4

3). I'm at a loss how you get a
lower value for R(3). Where did that come from?
The band head arises because of the difference between the B values in the two states, which leads to a correction to the transition energy which is quadratic in J, and (depending on the sign of ΔB) will eventually cause either the P band frequencies to start increasing, or the R band frequencies to start decreasing.
For example, let us express the R band frequencies as {band origin} + B'J'(J'+1) - B''J''(J''+1)
= {band origin} + (B''+ΔB)(J''+1)(J''+2) - B''J''(J''+1)
= {band origin} + 2B''(J''+1) + ΔB(J''+1)(J''+2)
If ΔB is negative, the frequency will at some point start to decrease with increasing J''. I leave it to you to work out where this point is.