Analogy time.
Suppose you have two groups of people. Most of them wear red shirts. A minority wear blue shirts. Now tell them all to go stand in a football field.
Scenario 1. The people with red shirts like people with blue shirts less than they do other people with red shirts, and vice-versa. In this scenario, people with red shirts will tend to stick together, and people with blue shirts will tend to stick together. So you'll have groups or clumps of people in blue shirts awash in a sea of red shirts. Given time, the blue and red shirts will completely self-segregate, with all blue shirts on one side of the field and all red shirts on the other.
Scenario 2. The people with red shirts LOVE people with blue shirts, and people with blue shirts LOVE people with red shirts. In this scenario, people will want to mingle, such that each person with a blue shirt tends to be completely surround by red-shirted people, and few blue-shirted people are close to each other.
Scenario 1 is a suspension; scenario 2 is a solution. Notice that you haven't cut anyone in half here. You could, for example, remove all the people with red shirts from either scenario and you'd still be left with the same blue-shirted people you started with. In a solution, molecules of the solvent interact favorably with solvent molecules, such that solvent molecules surround each individual solute molecule and separate them so the sample becomes a single, homogenous phase. In a suspension, solute molecules and solvent molecules don't get along. Solute molecules like to stick together and stay as far away from solvent molecules as possible. They form two completely different phases, large clumps or groups of solute molecules (blue-shirted people) surrounded by solvent molecules (red-shirted people) that want nothing to do with them. Sugar, for example, loves water and will dissolve readily in it so that each molecule of sugar is completely surrounded by water molecules. Only one phase is evident = solution. Fat molecules, however, hate water molecules, and so the phases stay separate. Not a solution.