Inserting zinc is fairly easy. Usually you just reflux in a suitable solvent for about an hour, then purify. Inserting other metals uses generally the same procedure, but they aren't quite as stable and you also have to worry about axial ligand.
The reason the number of Q-bands reduces from 4 to 2 is that inserting a metal ion increases the symmetry of the porphyrin ring, which causes the x- and y-polarized π-π* transitions to become degenerate (have the same energy). Without the metal ion present, two of the central nitrogens are usually protonated. So draw the free base form and the coordinated form of porphine ring and look at how the symmetry changes.
Note that UV-Vis is not sensitive to impurities, so more sensitive methods are generally needed to confirm that the reaction yield is satisfactory.
(By the way, this forum encourages users to show work before they receive help. So, I gave you a freebee. Make sure you try to explain your thinking in the future.)