Hi all -- still a very new member, so I appreciate any and all help. I'm looking to understand the concepts underlying these questions.
1. For a parallel reaction A goes to B with rate constant k1 and A goes to C with rate constant k2, you determine that the activation energies are 72.4 kJ/mol for k1 and 174.2 kJ/mol for k2. If the rate constants are equal at a temperature of 316 K, at what temperature (in K) will k1/k2 = 2?
Attempt: if the elementary reactions are first order...
d(B)/dt = v1 = k1[A]
d[C]/dt = v2 = k2[A]
and so -d[A]/dt = v1+ v2 = k[A] where k= k1 + k2
I'm trying to figure out how to find the rate constants. I think I can use Arrhenius:
k = Ae-Ea/RT to input temperature but I don't know how to find A (the pre-exponential factor) other than experimentally. Any help would be wonderful!
2. A possible mechanism for the decomposition of Ozone is:
O3 == O2 + O with forward and reverse rate constants k1 and k-1
O + O3 ---> 2 O2 with rate constant k2
Using the steady-state approximation for O, which of the following rate laws is consistent with the proposed mechanism?
a. d[O2]/dt = 3 k1k2[O3] / (k-1[O2] + k2[O3])
b. d[O2]/dt = 2 k1k2[O3]2 / (k-1 + k2)
c. d[O2]/dt = 3 k1k2[O3]2 / (k-1[O2] + k2[O3])
d.d[O2]/dt = 3 k1k2[O3] / (k-1[O2] + k2[O3]2)
e. none of the above
1. rate equations
v1 = k1[O3]
v-1 = k-1(O)[O2]
v3 = k2 (O)[O3]
2. rate of formation of O intermediate
d(O)/dt = v1 - v-1 - v2
= k1[O3] - k-1(O)[O2] - k2(O)[O3]
therefore, solving for (O) = k1[O3]/k-1[O2] + k2[O3]
I'm not sure how to generate an expression for the rate of change of [O2] without an experimental rate equation given. Specifically, I'm unsure as to how stoichiometry affects rate equations. In my notes I have that the rate of consumption of [O3] is
I. d[O3]/dt = -v1 + v-1 - v2 = -k1[O3] + k-1(O)[O2] - k2[O3](O) and that
II. v = -1/2 d[O3]/dt
In that case, I could substitute the expressions for (O) and v1 = v-1 + v2 into equations I and II respectively. But i don't know how this changes without the original rate equation, and with the stoichiometry of oxygen gas.
Thanks in advance.