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Topic: Density of states at the Fermi Level  (Read 2023 times)

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Offline anna.kolinski

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Density of states at the Fermi Level
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:30:01 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out whether Ni or Zn has the highest density of states at the Fermi level, but I'm struggling to figure out what the density of states will be like for Zn.

I know that for Nickel, since it has one electron in the 4s shell, and 9 in the 3d shell, the fermi energy is almost at the top of the d band - so it has a high density of states because there are many orientated d orbitals.

However, for Zinc, its 4s and 3d shell are both full, so I think the Fermi energy must be just above the 4s band. So then it would have a really low density of states?

Any help/ direction much appreciated

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