However, I'm unsure of how to add the alkyl group. Should I use FC Alkylation? If this is correct, how would I make the position on the cyclohexane ring nucleophilic?
Well, there is a general problem with using F-C alkylation to introduce an isobutyl group - look up the behavior of isobutyl chloride in F-C alkylation. In any case, as far as I am aware F-C type alkylation does not work with unactivated alkenes.
For this question, so far I think that I should remove the ketone group using the Wolff Kishner reaction.
You are right that the ketone must be reduced at some stage, but removing this functionality at the start of the synthesis is a bad idea - it is a source of useful electrophilic reactivity.
I was also wondering if I could remove Bromine and form a double bond
Elimination of HBr to form an alkene is a good idea...