1) A part of a full spectrum output of a single scan, with nearly equal signals is shown. Expanded background (baseline) signal is shown separately
a) Estimate the signal to noise ratio of the spectrum given above
b) How would you to improve the signal to noise of a preceding spectrum to near 400?
My Prof. gave me a spectrum which has 2 line at 9.5 (chemical shift). I have no idea how to do it
2) Fringe pattern of an empty IR, wavenumbers were found for a series of consecutive fringes: 3011.11, 3058.12, 3108.89,3156.75, 3254.54, 3303.26. Based on a graph , calculate the path length of the cell and its uncertainty to the correct of significant number.
I already plot n vs wavenumber, apply formular which is vn=5n/t + vo to get t=9.7574 mm
But I dont how to find the uncertainty and what my Prof. means significant figure
Any help is greatly appreciated