So if I consider 100g of solution I get 0.286 mol of naphthalene and 0.810mol of benzene.
x1=0.739 (benzene)
If I replace it in the first equation I cannot get the Tf of the naphthalene (I multiply the ΔH for the number of moles that I'm considering, 0.286).
EDIT: Here's my mistake. I don't know why but I multiplied dH for the moles of the 100g solution. Now I get the right answer.
So I put my Tf into the same equation to calculate the molar fraction that is soluble into CCl4 at 4°C.
I get x2=0.159.
I want to calculate the mass percentage. So I consider 1 mole of CCl4 = 153.82g, I set the equation:
n2= 0.189 mol = 24.23g
The weight of the solution is 153.82 + 24.23g, so w/w%=13.6% and Hallelujah!