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Topic: Delepine reaction  (Read 7148 times)

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Offline herrhansen

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Delepine reaction
« on: April 16, 2011, 06:59:40 PM »

I am looking for someone having experiences with the delepine reaction? I wanted to make a primary amine from my primary alkylbromide, but couldnt find any references. So I just reacted the alkylbromide in anhydrous EtOH with two eq. hexamine - allowed it to stir for 25 mins, heated it a little and added formic acid and refluxed for 4 hours. It gave me a new spot on TLC, which I will have to identify on NMR. As the first step is an SN2 it could probably be better to use more than two eq. of the hexamine to increase the rate. I have also seen the reaction done in ethanolic HCl.

I could do the SN2 with ammonia, but I would like to try out the delepine reaction instead, so any references or experiences would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Delepine reaction
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 02:54:46 AM »
You could also displace bromide with azide and then reduce by one of the several methods of azide reduction.
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Offline AWK

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Re: Delepine reaction
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 04:55:09 AM »
Did you search internet for this reaction.
Google gives you the starting point immediately

Offline Åke

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Re: Delepine reaction
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2011, 09:52:29 PM »

I am looking for someone having experiences with the delepine reaction? I wanted to make a primary amine from my primary alkylbromide, but couldnt find any references. So I just reacted the alkylbromide in anhydrous EtOH with two eq. hexamine - allowed it to stir for 25 mins, heated it a little and added formic acid and refluxed for 4 hours. It gave me a new spot on TLC, which I will have to identify on NMR. As the first step is an SN2 it could probably be better to use more than two eq. of the hexamine to increase the rate. I have also seen the reaction done in ethanolic HCl.

I could do the SN2 with ammonia, but I would like to try out the delepine reaction instead, so any references or experiences would be greatly appreciated.


There is a reliable, large-scale Organic Syntheses method:

Gabriel or Fukuyama amine synthesis might be alternatives to consider, as well as SN2 with NaN3 (rather than ammonia) followed by catalytic hydrogenation of alkyl azide. The choice of method ultimately depends on the functional groups present on your substrate and you haven't told us what they are.  :)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 10:42:52 PM by deviator »

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