Yes. For regular cyclic annulene with n carbon atoms (or linear molecule with n carbon atoms) you can arrive at an analytical expression for the energy levels as a function of n. I don't remember what that expression is off the top of my head but most p-chem books have it in there somewhere. From that expression you can derive Huckel's rule for aromaticity.
As soon as you introduce other branches or connectivities*, those general solutions no longer apply, so Huckel's rule is basically out the window. You'd have to set up a unique matrix in that case and solve for the energy levels. Straightforward but the algebra can get crazy for anything over 5 or 6 carbon atoms. Symmetry treatments help but even then you'd probably want to use a good math package to solve for the roots of your determinant.
*This is particularly the case for polycyclic examples in which at least one ring has an odd-number of carbons, due to the fact that they are not alternants. (An alternant is one in which carbons can be divided into two groups A and B, in which there is always an A next to only B's, and vice-versa.)