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Topic: Problem with drawing the resonance structure of a molecule  (Read 1348 times)

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Offline confusedstud

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Problem with drawing the resonance structure of a molecule
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:58:54 AM »
This is the molecule that I am supposed to draw resonance structures for:

Instead of doing the simple 'benzene ring' method of arrow pushing, I tried to do the more tedious method where the electrons from the pi bond goes to the atom. However I obtained different resonance structures when I moved the electrons in a clockwise and anticlockwise manner as shown in this diagram:

When I moved the electron in the pi bond to the adjacent carbon in the clockwise direction, I obtained different resonance structures than when i moved them in the anticlockwise direction. However, I'm pretty sure I should be able to get all the resonance structures by either moving electrons in the clockwise/anticlockwise direction. Is there a reason why i am unable to obtain all of them?

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