I try, but I am not able to solve the attached problem.
I am having trouble deciding on the fragment orbitals. I considered dividing in a cross fashion, with the methyl radical, top, and bottom C atoms as one fragment, and then the crossing C atoms as the second fragment. I am also confused about which symmetry operations to consider to make the symmetry-adapted MOs. I chose for my attempt the C2 axis and reflection in the molecular plane.
I know the basic outline of solving this, but I am not able to apply it to the problem:
1) decide on the fragments
2) identify the various orbitals involved, and assign symmetry labels with respect to the chose symmetry operations (that must be common to both fragments)
3) Identify which orbitals that will interact (those of like symmetry)
4) construct MO diagram
I would appreciate some guidance on how to proceed!