I'm planning on getting tattoos of some chemical compounds. I'm definitely going to get dopamine. Also considering norepinephrine, geosmin, theobromine, and vanillin. Unsure of the function of norepinephrine. As far as I know, it stimulates the production of adrenaline that makes your palms sweat, and heart race when you're in love. Not sure if I should get vanillin and theobromine, as I just want them because I love cocoa and vanilla
What do you think?
Anyhow, do you know of any cool chemical compounds like these? They should be small. Not as big as for example oxytocin. Serotonin has something to do with happiness, but is tattooed on people who has overcome depression. So that one is out of the picture. And do you know anything that has to do with dreaming?
Sorry if this is not the right question for the right forum, but I couldn't find help anywhere else.