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Topic: suggesting tutorials  (Read 3103 times)

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suggesting tutorials
« on: May 11, 2016, 05:30:06 PM »
I am beginning to design chemical magnets and DNA(yes sequencing DNA)

anyhow I am really just looking for you to post tutorials on building chemicals and I am looking for you to start thinking of how to predict the chemical and physical etcetera properties of a chemical based on its elemental makeup. This can be done, but I am still a few years away from being able to accuratedly design chemicals based on the periodic table. you can do this probalby just by looking at the physics of lots and lots of chemical reactions.

DNA tutorials just make tutorials on cell reproduction organelle development etcetera. it will help the entire world out seriously if you decide to do this.

ANyhow the more tutorials you post on building and designing chemicals the better.

it will help me build rockets and aircraft and cars, and help me grow all of these things on trees. (which makes it cheap to build)

but yeah get creative and just think of designing everything from bioluminescent chemicals that do not use luciferin to magnetic resins and chemicals that simply emit strong electric fiels.

I am well and truly on my way with this but I think it can help everyone. Make it all carbon based because carbon is cheap. and figure out how to grow the chemicals on trees which makes it cheap for humans and try to make everything edible. or at least safe enough to eat. thats a good test for your chemical. can i eat it? then i will build it.

I need chemicals for every application you can ever think of including indcution cooktops lazers, cameras, electronics. radio transmitters and recievers. i need chemicals that oscillate at the frequency and above that of visible ligth because I want to make a light show that I effect a light bulbe and the ligth waves to acheive radical colors.
I need to know how to make pharmaceuticals etcetera.

and when you design chemicals remember to use trace chemicals too. everything in nature has trace chemicals and they are much more fun than just a single chemical. I mean everything in nature has trace chemicals. they are benificial in foods and i am sure they are beneficial in chemistry.

but yea all the tutorials you could ever imagine and all of that stuff post it and try oh try to predict theproperties of your chemical based on the periodic table.

have fun and happy hacking

Offline Borek

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Re: suggesting tutorials
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2016, 06:12:21 PM »
Looks like you are seriously mistaken about what chemistry is and what it can do.

I strongly suggest you start with any decent General Chemistry book, preferably followed (or better: paralleled) by any basic physics text. That will give you a good foundation.
ChemBuddy chemical calculators - stoichiometry, pH, concentration, buffer preparation,

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