I was hoping you could please help me or orient me in the right direction to find an answer to my problem. The company I work for produces brass alloys in a furnace and one of our byproducts is zinc oxide dust. We sell this zinc oxide to other manufacturers. The last shipment we sent on a truck combusted, it burned out of the plastic bag, burned the wooden pallet it was on and it burned a hole in the wooden bed on the truck. This has only happened twice in the 30 yr span of the company. We keep our zinc oxide for two weeks before we sell it, to make sure it has cooled down, we also use two plastic bags, closed off with tape to avoid contact with moisture. Based on a past profile done on our material, some of the other elements found in our zinc oxide dust are: H2O 1.92%, Cd 0.13%, Cu 0.66%, Fe 0.17%, Pb 7.43%, Mn 0.01%, K 0.36%, Na 1.18%, Ca 0.06%, Mg 0.01%, Al 0.02% Do you have any idea what could have caused this reaction? Can you please suggest a source I can look into for more information and answers? We don’t want to risk shipping this substance if there is a chance it will combust and put people in danger.
Thank you very much!