Well to get started I suppose I need to get to the point. I found this site after much searching and hope it's the answer to my problems. I read this part of the forum was for graduate students and professionals. I need help in organic because... , I have to prove to 2 college professors that I can do at least 11 chapters of the Wade text by the end of the summer and they will allow me to take org1&2 as independent study. Why, my school only offers organic every other year and you guessed it ,that was last year and it won't be offered again until year after next. This would cost me an extra year and I'm already old(49) trying to start a new career in pharmacy,r&d. So am I in the right place and if so is there anybody that would like to be a quazzi- mentor. If I'm not in the right place please advise me where I should go. Thanx, Robert